"start": 1,
"end": 20,
"total": 295,
"next": "https://api-v2.onetcenter.org/veterans/job_preparation/2?start=21&end=40",
"summary": {
"title": "Job Zone Two: Some Preparation Needed",
"experience": "Some previous work-related skill, knowledge, or experience is usually needed. For example, it would help a teller to have experience working with the public.",
"training": "Employees in these careers need from a few months to one year of working with experienced employees. An apprenticeship program may be available for these careers.",
"education": "These careers usually need a high school diploma."
"career": [
"href": "https://api-v2.onetcenter.org/veterans/careers/27-2011.00/",
"code": "27-2011.00",
"title": "Actors",
"tags": {}
"href": "https://api-v2.onetcenter.org/veterans/careers/51-9191.00/",
"code": "51-9191.00",
"title": "Adhesive Bonding Machine Operators & Tenders",
"tags": {}