"id": "2.C.7",
"name": "Arts and Humanities",
"description": "Knowledge of facts and principles related to the branches of learning concerned with human thought, language, and the arts.",
"child": [
"id": "2.C.7.a",
"name": "English Language",
"description": "Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, and rules of composition and grammar.",
"href": "https://api-v2.onetcenter.org/online/onet_data/knowledge/2.C.7.a"
"id": "2.C.7.c",
"name": "Fine Arts",
"description": "Knowledge of the theory and techniques required to compose, produce, and perform works of music, dance, visual arts, drama, and sculpture.",
"href": "https://api-v2.onetcenter.org/online/onet_data/knowledge/2.C.7.c"