What’s New?

May 16, 2023 API Version 1.8 will be retired on July 15

This communication is a 60 day advance notification of the retirement of API Version 1.8. Version 1.8 will stop functioning on July 15, 2023.

All features from version 1.8 are included in later API versions. In the majority of cases, applications can be upgraded without modification. If you are calling O*NET Web Services with "/v1.8/" in the URL, you will be required to upgrade your applications. We recommend the use of the "current production" URL:


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact O*NET Customer Service.

March 31, 2020 New O*NET-SOC Taxonomy Transition Tools

With the release of the O*NET 25.1 Database in November 2020, O*NET Web Services will transition to the O*NET-SOC 2019 taxonomy. This taxonomy, based on the 2018 SOC, introduces several changes to the occupations returned by our services. It includes 1,016 occupational titles, 923 of which represent O*NET data-level occupations. For more information on these changes, see the O*NET-SOC Taxonomy page at the O*NET Resource Center.

To help O*NET Web Services users with the upcoming taxonomy transition, Taxonomy Services are now available to enable developers to connect occupational data between existing systems based on the O*NET-SOC 2010 taxonomy, and the future O*NET-SOC 2019 taxonomy-based O*NET Web Services. Note: If you are not connecting to data outside of O*NET Web Services, then the conversion will happen automatically and no action will be required.

Taxonomy conversion features include:

  • To convert an O*NET-SOC code in the 2010 taxonomy for use in a request to O*NET Web Services, use the 2010 to active service.
  • To convert an O*NET-SOC code received from O*NET Web Services for use in an external system based on the 2010 taxonomy, use the active to 2010 service.
  • To upgrade stored occupational data from the 2010 taxonomy to the 2019 taxonomy, use the 2010 to 2019 service. If you upgrade prior to the 25.1 database transition, use the 2019 to active and active to 2019 services to connect O*NET Web Services to your stored data.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact O*NET Customer Service.

May 21, 2019 Terms of Service update

On June 25, 2019, O*NET Web Services will be updating its Terms of Service. The new Terms, which you can read in full on our preview page, allow the Center to share interesting uses of O*NET Web Services with our audience. If you would like us to highlight your product, please share your story at O*NET Products at Work.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact O*NET Customer Service.

April 11, 2019 HTTP support will be retired on July 30

On July 30, 2019, unencrypted HTTP access to the O*NET Web Services API will be discontinued. All clients will be required to use encrypted HTTPS connections to the API. HTTPS offers enhanced security and privacy, and has been used by hundreds of O*NET Web Services clients since its introduction in October 2014.

If you are currently using the unencrypted (http://) API, please transition your applications by taking the following steps:

  1. Change any URLs starting with http://services.onetcenter.org to start with https://services.onetcenter.org instead.
  2. Use your project's assigned HTTPS username and password to make requests. Your HTTPS password, which can be seen by logging into your developer account page, differs from your HTTP password.

If you do not transition your applications by July 30, calls to O*NET Web Services will stop working. If you have any questions, or require technical assistance, please contact O*NET Customer Service.

February 19, 2019 API Version 1.9; retirement of Version 1.7

API Version 1.9

On March 5, 2019, the O*NET Web Services API will be upgraded to version 1.9. New features include:

For complete information, see:

Developers can begin using the new API version immediately, at the specific Version 1.9 URL:


Retirement of API Version 1.7

This communication is a 90 day advance notification of the retirement of API Version 1.7. Version 1.7 will stop functioning on May 21, 2019.

All features from version 1.7 are included in later API versions. In the majority of cases, applications can be upgraded without modification. If you are calling O*NET Web Services with "/v1.7/" in the URL, you will be required to upgrade your applications. We recommend the use of the "current production" URL:


Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact O*NET Customer Service.

January 9, 2018 API Version 1.8; Version 1.6 retirement

API Version 1.8

On January 23, 2018, the O*NET Web Services API will be upgraded to version 1.8. New features include:

  • JSON — All services can return data in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. Note: Existing XML format is still fully supported.
  • Salary ranges — High, low, and median salary estimates are included in My Next Move Job Outlook services, for all 974 occupations.
  • Sources of Additional Information — O*NET OnLine's listings of external sites, which provide information on related jobs, specialties, and/or industries, are available as part of the occupation report web services.
  • Documentation improvements — A new sidebar and links between sections enable developers to quickly find the right features for their applications.

For complete information, see:

Developers can begin using the new API version immediately, at the URL:


API Version 1.6 Retirement

This communication is a 90 day advance notification of the retirement of API Version 1.6. Version 1.6 will stop functioning on April 3, 2018.

All features from version 1.6 are included in later API versions. In the majority of cases, applications can be upgraded without modification. If you are calling O*NET Web Services with "/v1.6/" in the URL, you will be required to upgrade your applications. We recommend the use of the "current production" URL:


Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact O*NET Customer Service.

August 22, 2017 Terms of Service update

On September 22, 2017, O*NET Web Services will be updating its Terms of Service. The new Terms, which you can read in full on our preview page, provide:

  • More flexibility when you credit O*NET Web Services in your application. We've also made it easier to comply, by adding HTML credits you can copy even when you're not logged into your account.
  • Better guidance on what you can do with data you retrieve from the Services. We're answering your questions about copyright and sharing data on our all-new Data License page. Our Terms now require Web Services users to comply with all relevant data licenses and copyrights.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact O*NET Customer Service.

March 26, 2017 API Version 1.5 will be retired on April 25

This communication is a 30 day advance notification of the retirement of API Version 1.5. Version 1.5 will stop functioning on April 25, 2017.

All features from version 1.5 are included in later API versions. In the majority of cases, applications can be upgraded without modification. If you are calling O*NET Web Services with "/v1.5/" in the URL, you will be required to upgrade your applications. We recommend the use of the "current production" URL:


January 24, 2017 API Version 1.7; Version 1.5 retirement

API Version 1.7

On February 7, 2017, the O*NET Web Services API will be upgraded to version 1.7. New features include:

  • Additional exploration options from O*NET OnLine have been added as web services:
    • Browse by Career Cluster — Career Clusters contain occupations in the same field of work that require similar skills.
    • Browse STEM Occupations — STEM occupations require education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines.
    • Browse by Industry — Industries are broad groups of businesses or organizations with similar activities, products, or services. Occupations are considered part of an industry based on their employment.
  • Technology Skills and Tools Used are now separate services, matching O*NET OnLine's occupation reports. The combined "Tools & Technology" service in previous versions is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
  • Careers with videos shown in My Next Move and My Next Move for Veterans are identified in the Career overview services. The videos are developed and maintained by CareerOneStop external site. For affected careers, a new element will indicate the presence of a related video. Visit CareerOneStop external site directly for information and options for incorporating the videos.

For complete information, see:

Developers can begin using the new API version immediately, at the URL:


API Version 1.5 Retirement

This communication is a 90 day advance notification of the retirement of API Version 1.5. Version 1.5 will stop functioning on April 25, 2017.

All features from version 1.5 are included in later API versions. In the majority of cases, applications can be upgraded without modification. If you are calling O*NET Web Services with "/v1.5/" in the URL, you will be required to upgrade your applications. We recommend the use of the "current production" URL:


Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact O*NET Customer Service.

June 3, 2016 Interest Profiler widget is being updated

In response to customer feedback, we're making the O*NET Interest Profiler wider. To better use the available space in most desktop web layouts, the Interest Profiler widget is growing from 800 pixels wide to 900 pixels wide. At this new size, the Interest Profiler widget is an even better way to provide your audiences with valuable insight into careers they would enjoy. As an additional enhancement, emojis now replace the text descriptions for the scale anchors based on research that suggests the advantages of such an approach.

The Interest Profiler will be updated on July 12, but you can embed the widget today and be ready for the improvements next month. To embed the O*NET Interest Profiler in your own site or web application, see full instructions at My Account. If you have not yet registered for a Web Services account, sign up today to access the Interest Profiler and the rest of our APIs.

May 11, 2016 Recent updates to O*NET Web Services

Version 1.6 upgrade complete

The O*NET Web Services API has now been upgraded to version 1.6. New features include:

For more information on this update, see the Version 1.6 page or the API Reference Manual. Developers may now take advantage of these features at the "current production" Web Services URL (https://services.onetcenter.org/ws/). Developers calling Web Services with "/v1.6/" in the URL are encouraged to update their applications.

Terms of Service updated

The wording of the O*NET Web Services Terms of Service, item 8c, was clarified to avoid confusion. The meaning of this item remains the same: commercial users must provide a free version of features using Web Services, or request permission from the O*NET Center before requiring payment or registration.

Version 1.4 to be retired

As a reminder, API version 1.4 will stop functioning on July 26, 2016. All features from 1.4 remain available at the "current production" Web Services URL (https://services.onetcenter.org/ws/). Developers calling Web Services with "/v1.4/" in the URL must update their applications.

Questions or concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact O*NET Customer Service.

April 27, 2016 API Version 1.6; Version 1.4 Retirement

API Version 1.6

On May 11, 2016, the O*NET Web Services API will be upgraded to version 1.6. New features include:

  • Hot Technologies are requirements frequently included in employer job postings. O*NET OnLine services list these technologies and occupations linked to each. Hot technologies are also identified wherever Tools and Technology (T2) information is returned, including:
  • The Mini Interest Profiler contains 30 questions, for use within a mobile application or other time-constrained settings. Emoji-style images are also available to provide a non-verbal alternative to the Mini-IP's five-point response scale. Note: The emoji-anchored scale is also suitable for the Interest Profiler Short Form.

For complete information, see:

Developers can begin using the new API version immediately, at the URL:


API Version 1.4 Retirement

This communication is a 90 day advance notification of the retirement of API Version 1.4. Version 1.4 will stop functioning on July 26, 2016.

All features from version 1.4 are included in later API versions. In the majority of cases, applications can be upgraded without modification. If you are calling O*NET Web Services with "/v1.4/" in the URL, you will be required to upgrade your applications. We recommend the use of the "current production" URL:


Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact O*NET Customer Service.

February 4, 2016 HTTPS enhancements support new standards

On January 28, O*NET Web Services deployed enhancements to the O*NET Web Services infrastructure to support the latest HTTPS security standards, including the following:

  • TLS version 1.2
  • Apple's App Transport Security (ATS) requirements for iOS apps
  • Google Chrome's recommendations for HTTPS connections and certificates
  • Qualys SSL Labs analysis (grade A)

These changes are in place for all HTTPS connections. Clients who were waiting for ATS or TLS 1.2 support are encouraged to re-test their Web Services applications.

These improvements required changes which may negatively impact clients:

  • The IP address changed from to Your firewall or application configuration may need to be updated. We encourage you to use the domain name "services.onetcenter.org" rather than the numeric IP address wherever possible.
  • SSLv2 and SSLv3 protocols, as well as several cipher suites, have been disabled due to known security issues. Clients must connect using TLS v1.0 or higher.

We encourage you to review your Web Services client applications for any problems. If you are experiencing problems, please review your firewall settings and application configurations, and ensure that your system software is running on the latest version. Please contact O*NET Customer Service for further assistance.

Clients using legacy HTTP connections are encouraged to try out HTTPS for their applications and take advantage of these updated security features.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact O*NET Customer Service.

August 18, 2015 Client-side browser applications now supported

The O*NET Web Services API now includes support for client-side JavaScript applications running in a web browser. This new feature allows developers to make cross-origin XHR and AJAX calls directly to O*NET Web Services.

To call a service from JavaScript, you will need to register your application's domain name, and add a parameter to every request URL. Full instructions and sample code are available from your developer account page.

All registered developers may begin using this feature immediately to enhance their existing or new projects. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact O*NET Customer Service.

August 3, 2015 API Version 1.3 will be retired on August 16

This communication is a 14 day advance notification of the retirement of API Version 1.3. Version 1.3 will stop functioning on August 16, 2015.

All features from version 1.3 are included in later API versions. In the majority of cases, applications can be upgraded without modification. If you are calling O*NET Web Services with "/v1.3/" in the URL, you will be required to upgrade your applications. We recommend the use of the "current production" URL:


July 16, 2015 API Version 1.3 will be retired on August 16

This communication is a 30 day advance notification of the retirement of API Version 1.3. Version 1.3 will stop functioning on August 16, 2015.

All features from version 1.3 are included in later API versions. In the majority of cases, applications can be upgraded without modification. If you are calling O*NET Web Services with "/v1.3/" in the URL, you will be required to upgrade your applications. We recommend the use of the "current production" URL:


May 6, 2015 API Version 1.5; Version 1.3 Retirement

API Version 1.5

On May 17, 2015, the O*NET Web Services API will be upgraded to version 1.5. O*NET OnLine web services will be enhanced with the following features:

  • Related Task search. The search provides occupations which have similar tasks to a user's current occupation.
  • The Work Activities Outline from OnLine's Custom report. View up to four increasingly specific levels of work activities ranging from tasks to generalized work activities for an occupation.
  • A new set of related occupations services suggest occupations based on a single task statement, T2 category, DWA, or O*NET descriptor (e.g. a knowledge, skill, or ability). The new services are linked from the "related" attribute in many of the summary and details report services.
  • Many summary and details report services return fewer items by default, and accept a "display" parameter to retrieve more, mirroring the display options in the recently streamlined OnLine occupation reports.
  • Details reports in OnLine indicate "important" items in many sections when the standardized score is 50 or higher; the corresponding services now include a new "important" attribute on each item's score.

For complete information, see:

Developers can begin using the new API version immediately, at the URL:


API Version 1.3 Retirement

This communication is a 90 day advance notification of the retirement of API Version 1.3. Version 1.3 will stop functioning on August 16, 2015.

All features from version 1.3 are included in later API versions. In the majority of cases, applications can be upgraded without modification. If you are calling O*NET Web Services with "/v1.3/" in the URL, you will be required to upgrade your applications. We recommend the use of the "current production" URL:


Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact O*NET Customer Service.

January 11, 2015 API Version 1.2 will be retired on January 25

This communication is a 14 day advance notification of the retirement of API Version 1.2. Version 1.2 will stop functioning on January 25, 2015.

All features from version 1.2 are included in later API versions. In the majority of cases, applications can be upgraded without modification. If you are calling O*NET Web Services with "/v1.2/" in the URL, you will be required to upgrade your applications. We recommend the use of the "current production" URL:


December 21, 2014 API Version 1.2 will be retired on January 25

This communication is a 30 day advance notification of the retirement of API Version 1.2. Version 1.2 will stop functioning on January 25, 2015.

All features from version 1.2 are included in later API versions. In the majority of cases, applications can be upgraded without modification. If you are calling O*NET Web Services with "/v1.2/" in the URL, you will be required to upgrade your applications. We recommend the use of the "current production" URL:


October 28, 2014 HTTPS Support; API Version 1.4; Version 1.2 Retirement

The O*NET Center announces three important updates to the O*NET Web Services:

1. The addition of the HTTPS protocol for calling web services;

2. The release of API Version 1.4; and

3. The retirement of API Version 1.2.


The HTTPS protocol is a secure way to communicate with O*NET Web Services, protecting requests and responses from eavesdropping or tampering. Use of HTTPS is a recommended practice in the industry.

HTTPS is active for all accounts approved on or after October 28. Simply follow the instructions provided in your account approval email.

Transitioning to HTTPS (for accounts approved before October 28)

The O*NET Center strongly encourages you to switch from HTTP to HTTPS in your requests. Web Services calls over HTTP will continue to work using the currently issued credentials. However, use of HTTP is deprecated, and will be discontinued in a future update.

To enable HTTPS, change your Web Services calls from "http://" to "https://" throughout your code. To ensure the security of your web services, you are required to update your credentials. Log in to see your updated credentials, or refer to the message emailed to your contact address.

API Version 1.4

On November 9, 2014, the current production version of the O*NET Web Services API will be upgraded to version 1.4 (https://services.onetcenter.org/ws/). Updated features include:

  • My Next Move for Veterans services: The new In the military resource returns military job classifications similar to jobs in a selected civilian career. This data is also provided as part of the full career report.
  • My Next Move, Mi Próximo Paso, My Next Move for Veterans services: The new Where do they work? resource provides industry employment information for a selected career. This data is also provided as part of the full career report.
  • O*NET OnLine services: Crosswalk searches have been added to the API. Find O*NET-SOC occupations by searching codes and titles from other systems, including: Apprenticeship, Dictionary of Occupational Titles, Education, Military, Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), and the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC).
  • O*NET OnLine services: The Work Context summary and details resources have been updated, to reflect changes to the Work Context reports in O*NET OnLine.

For complete information, see:

Developers can test version 1.4 prior to its transfer to the production version. Test with the URL:


API Version 1.2 Retirement

This communication is a 90 day advance notification of the retirement of API Version 1.2. Version 1.2 will stop functioning on January 25, 2015.

All features from version 1.2 are included in later API versions. In the majority of cases, applications can be upgraded without modification. If you are calling O*NET Web Services with "/v1.2/" in the URL, you will be required to upgrade your applications. We recommend the use of the "current production" URL:


Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact O*NET Customer Service.

July 14, 2014 API Version 1.3

On July 27, 2014, the O*NET Web Services API will be upgraded to version 1.3. Four new resources have been added to the My Next Move, Mi Próximo Paso, and My Next Move for Veterans services:

For complete information, see:

Developers can begin using the new API version immediately, at the URL:


On July 27, the API at the primary URL (http://services.onetcenter.org/ws/) will be upgraded. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact O*NET Customer Service.

April 22, 2014 API Version 1.2

On May 6, 2014, the O*NET Web Services API will be upgraded to version 1.2. API changes include:

  • New O*NET OnLine services as seen in O*NET OnLine, including the occupation keyword search, and most sections of the Summary and Details occupation reports. OnLine services generally provide more detail than the existing My Next Move services.
  • New information in the Find careers like your military job section of the My Next Move for Veterans services. For some military jobs, career matches include the amount of preparation and minimum pay grade needed to transition.
  • Expanded categories in the Education section of My Next Move, Mi Próximo Paso, and My Next Move for Veterans services. The websites and web services now indicate when non-degree certificates or other training are usually needed.

For complete information, see:

Developers can begin using the new API version immediately, at the URL:


On May 6, the API at the primary URL (http://services.onetcenter.org/ws/) will be upgraded. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact O*NET Customer Service.

November 26, 2013 Terms of Service updated

An update has been posted to the O*NET Web Services Terms of Service:


In addition to minor edits for clarity, the Terms of Service asks you to provide a URL for your project's site or application. We're interested to see new uses of O*NET information, and knowing more about our users' projects will help us plan future enhancements. For projects that are still in development, you can wait until the project goes live to provide this address; a public URL is not required before you start work.

You can add or update your project URL, change your email address, and more from the Web Services developer area:


Thanks for your interest in O*NET Web Services!

August 15, 2013 API Version 1.1 coming September 1

On September 1, 2013, the O*NET Web Services API will be upgraded to version 1.1. API changes include:

For complete information, see:

Developers can begin using the new API version immediately, at the URL:


On September 1, the API at the primary URL (http://services.onetcenter.org/ws/) will be upgraded. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact O*NET Customer Service.