"air_force": [
"code": "1C300",
"title": "All-Domain Command and Control Operations Manager (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1C311",
"title": "All-Domain Command and Control Operations Helper (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1C331",
"title": "All-Domain Command and Control Operations Apprentice (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1C351",
"title": "All-Domain Command and Control Operations Journeyman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1C371",
"title": "All-Domain Command and Control Operations Craftsman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1C391",
"title": "All-Domain Command and Control Operations Superintendent (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1C3X1",
"title": "All-Domain Command and Control Operations (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1C500",
"title": "Battle Management Operations Manager (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1C511",
"title": "Battle Management Operations Helper (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1C531D",
"title": "Battle Management Operations Apprentice, Weapons Director (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1C531",
"title": "Battle Management Operations Apprentice (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1C551D",
"title": "Battle Management Operations Journeyman, Weapons Director (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1C551",
"title": "Battle Management Operations Journeyman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1C571D",
"title": "Battle Management Operations Craftsman, Weapons Director (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1C571",
"title": "Battle Management Operations Craftsman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1C591",
"title": "Battle Management Operations Superintendent (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1C5X1",
"title": "Battle Management Operations (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1Z311",
"title": "Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Helper (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1Z331",
"title": "Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Apprentice (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1Z351",
"title": "Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Journeyman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1Z371",
"title": "Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Craftsman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1Z391",
"title": "Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Superintendent (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1Z3X1",
"title": "Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1Z411",
"title": "Special Reconnaissance Helper (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1Z431",
"title": "Special Reconnaissance Apprentice (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1Z451",
"title": "Special Reconnaissance Journeyman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1Z471",
"title": "Special Reconnaissance Craftsman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1Z491",
"title": "Special Reconnaissance Superintendent (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "1Z4X1",
"title": "Special Reconnaissance (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "2T100",
"title": "Ground Transportation Manager (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "2T111",
"title": "Ground Transportation Helper (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "2T131",
"title": "Ground Transportation Apprentice (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "2T151",
"title": "Ground Transportation Journeyman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "2T171",
"title": "Ground Transportation Craftsman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "2T191",
"title": "Ground Transportation Superintendent (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "2T1X1",
"title": "Ground Transportation (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3E611",
"title": "Operations Management Helper (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3E631",
"title": "Operations Management Apprentice (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3E651",
"title": "Operations Management Journeyman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3E671",
"title": "Operations Management Craftsman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3E691",
"title": "Operations Management Superintendent (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3E6X1",
"title": "Operations Management (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3E900",
"title": "Emergency Management Manager (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3E911",
"title": "Emergency Management Helper (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3E931",
"title": "Emergency Management Apprentice (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3E951",
"title": "Emergency Management Journeyman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3E971",
"title": "Emergency Management Craftsman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3E991",
"title": "Emergency Management Superintendent (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3E9X1",
"title": "Emergency Management (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3P011A",
"title": "Security Forces Helper, Military Working Dog Handler (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3P011B",
"title": "Security Forces Helper, Combat Arms (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3P011",
"title": "Security Forces Helper (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3P031A",
"title": "Security Forces Apprentice, Military Working Dog Handler (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3P031B",
"title": "Security Forces Apprentice, Combat Arms (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3P031",
"title": "Security Forces Apprentice (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3P051A",
"title": "Security Forces Journeyman, Military Working Dog Handler (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3P051B",
"title": "Security Forces Journeyman, Combat Arms (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3P051",
"title": "Security Forces Journeyman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3P071B",
"title": "Security Forces Craftsman, Combat Arms (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3P071",
"title": "Security Forces Craftsman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3P091",
"title": "Security Forces Superintendent (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3P0X1",
"title": "Security Forces (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "86P0",
"title": "Command and Control (Commissioned Officer only)",
"active": true
"army": [
"code": "15P",
"title": "Aviation Operations Specialist (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "74A",
"title": "Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) (Commissioned Officer only)",
"active": true
"code": "88M",
"title": "Motor Transport Operator (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "92Y",
"title": "Unit Supply Specialist (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"coast_guard": [
"code": "IV",
"title": "Investigator (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "MSSR",
"title": "Marine Safety Specialist Response (Warrant Officer only)",
"active": true
"code": "OAR10",
"title": "Response-Ashore (Commissioned Officer only)",
"active": true
"code": "OAR11",
"title": "Search and Rescue Coordination (Commissioned Officer only)",
"active": true
"code": "OS",
"title": "Operations Specialist (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"marine_corps": [
"code": "0621",
"title": "Transmissions System Operator (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "0627",
"title": "Satellite Transmissions System Operator (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "0811",
"title": "Field Artillery Cannoneer (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "0869",
"title": "Artillery Unit Leader (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"navy": [
"code": "001095",
"title": "Surface Electronic Warfare Operator (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "2715",
"title": "Disaster Preparedness Officer (Commissioned or Warrant Officer)",
"active": true
"code": "2720",
"title": "Navy Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer (Commissioned Officer only)",
"active": true
"code": "2765",
"title": "Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense Officer (Commissioned or Warrant Officer)",
"active": true
"code": "9088",
"title": "Submarine Element Coordinator (Commissioned Officer only)",
"active": true
"code": "9216",
"title": "Combat Information Center Officer (Commissioned or Warrant Officer)",
"active": true
"code": "9217",
"title": "Naval Tactical Data System--Combat Information Center Officer (Commissioned or Warrant Officer)",
"active": true
"code": "9456",
"title": "Coastal/Harbor Defense Officer (Commissioned or Warrant Officer)",
"active": true
"code": "9480",
"title": "Search and Rescue Officer (Commissioned or Warrant Officer)",
"active": true
"code": "MA",
"title": "Master-At-Arms (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "OS",
"title": "Operations Specialist (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "W18A",
"title": "ASW/ASUW Tactical Air Controller (ASTAC) (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "W19A",
"title": "Sea Combat Air Controller (SCAC) (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "W20A",
"title": "ASW/ASUW Tactical Air Control (ASTAC) Weapons and Tactics Instructor (WTI) (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"space_force": [
"code": "3E611",
"title": "Operations Management Helper (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3E631",
"title": "Operations Management Apprentice (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3E651",
"title": "Operations Management Journeyman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3E671",
"title": "Operations Management Craftsman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3E691",
"title": "Operations Management Superintendent (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3E6X1",
"title": "Operations Management (Enlisted)",
"active": true