"air_force": [
"code": "3F011",
"title": "Personnel Helper (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3F031",
"title": "Personnel Apprentice (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3F051",
"title": "Personnel Journeyman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3F071",
"title": "Personnel Craftsman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3F091",
"title": "Personnel Superintendent (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3F0X1",
"title": "Personnel (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3N016",
"title": "Public Affairs Helper (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3N036",
"title": "Public Affairs Apprentice (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3N056",
"title": "Public Affairs Journeyman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3N076",
"title": "Public Affairs Craftsman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3N0X6",
"title": "Public Affairs (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "4A011",
"title": "Health Services Management Helper (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "4A031",
"title": "Health Services Management Apprentice (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "4A051S",
"title": "Health Services Management Journeyman, Health Information Technology (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "4A051",
"title": "Health Services Management Journeyman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "4A071S",
"title": "Health Services Management Craftsman, Health Information Technology (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "4A071",
"title": "Health Services Management Craftsman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "4A091",
"title": "Health Services Management Superintendent (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "4A0X1",
"title": "Health Services Management (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "6F011",
"title": "Financial Management and Comptroller Helper (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "6F031",
"title": "Financial Management and Comptroller Apprentice (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "6F051",
"title": "Financial Management and Comptroller Journeyman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "6F071",
"title": "Financial Management and Comptroller Craftsman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "6F091",
"title": "Financial Management and Comptroller Superintendent (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "6F0X1",
"title": "Financial Management and Comptroller (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"army": [
"code": "36B",
"title": "Financial Management Technician (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"coast_guard": [
"code": "PERS",
"title": "Personnel Administration Specialty (Warrant Officer only)",
"active": true
"code": "YN",
"title": "Yeoman (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"marine_corps": [
"code": "3432",
"title": "Finance Technician (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "3451",
"title": "Financial Management Resource Analyst (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "4133",
"title": "Marine Corps Community Services Marine (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"navy": [
"code": "001727",
"title": "Retail Operator (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "LS",
"title": "Logistics Specialist (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "PS",
"title": "Personnel Specialist (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "RS",
"title": "Retail Services Specialist (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "S00A",
"title": "Ship's Store Afloat Resale Operations Management (ROM) Manager (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "001672",
"title": "Customer Service Clerk (Enlisted)",
"active": false