Interactive Demo

This demonstration page allows you to test out the Web Services API by sending a request and viewing the JSON data returned. See the Reference Manual for a complete guide to the available services.

GET parameters
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200 OK
   "code": "33-3021.06",
   "title": "Intelligence Analysts",
   "tags": {},
   "also_called": [
         "title": "Anti-Terrorist Analyst",
         "summary": false
         "title": "Crime Analyst (Criminal Analyst)",
         "summary": true
         "title": "Crime and Intelligence Analyst (Criminal and Intelligence Analyst)",
         "summary": false
         "title": "Crime Intelligence Analyst (Criminal Intelligence Analyst)",
         "summary": true
         "title": "Crime Research Specialist (Criminal Research Specialist)",
         "summary": false
         "title": "Intel Analyst (Intelligence Analyst)",
         "summary": true
         "title": "Intel Research Specialist (Intelligence Research Specialist)",
         "summary": true
         "title": "Investigative Intel Analysts (Investigative Intelligence Analysts)",
         "summary": false
         "title": "Police Crime and Intel Analyst (Police Crime and Intelligence Analyst)",
         "summary": false
         "title": "Terrorism Research Specialist",
         "summary": false
   "sample_of_military_titles": {
      "air_force": [
         "Aerospace Medical Service",
         "Airborne Cryptologic Language Analyst Craftsman, Chinese",
         "Airborne Mission Systems Specialist Craftsman",
         "Combat Control Superintendent",
         "Cyber Defense Operations",
         "Education And Training Superintendent",
         "Health Services Management Superintendent",
         "Political-Military Affairs Strategist (PAS), C2ISREW",
         "Sensor Operator Craftsman, CAA",
         "Space Operations, Helicopter or EWO"
      "army": [
         "Air and Missile Defense (AMD) Crewmember",
         "Attaché Intelligence Operations Technician",
         "Combat Engineer",
         "Cyber Operations Specialist",
         "Field Artillery Senior Sergeant",
         "Geospatial Intelligence Imagery Analyst",
         "Intelligence Officer",
         "MQ-1 Operator",
         "Signals Acquisition/Exploitation Analyst",
         "Special Forces Engineer Sergeant"
      "coast_guard": [
         "Aviation Survival Technician",
         "Avionics Electrical Technician",
         "Cyber Effects",
         "Intelligence Specialist",
         "Intelligence System Specialist",
         "Marine Safety Specialist Response"
      "marine_corps": [
         "Advanced Cryptologic Language Analyst",
         "Counterintelligence/Human Source Intelligence (CI/HUMINT) Operations Officer",
         "Foreign Area Officer - Europe",
         "Ground Command and Control (C2) Operations NCO",
         "Intelligence Tactics Instructor",
         "Linguist, Azerbaijani",
         "Linguist, Hungarian",
         "Linguist, Romanian",
         "Maritime Space Officer",
         "Regional Affairs Officer - Middle East"
      "navy": [
         "AADC Plans Staff Officer",
         "AOC Naval and Amphibious Liaison Element Director",
         "Cryptologic Subsurface Augmentee Electronics Intelligence (ELINT) Supervisor",
         "Cyber Warfare Technician",
         "Geospatial Information and Services (GIandS) Officer",
         "Intelligence Planner",
         "Navy Interactive On-Net Operator",
         "Ship's Signal Exploitation Equipment Increment Echo (SSEE INC E) Operator",
         "Staff Operations Command Center Watch Officer"
      "space_force": []
   "what_they_do": "Gather, analyze, or evaluate information from a variety of sources, such as law enforcement databases, surveillance, intelligence networks or geographic information systems. Use intelligence data to anticipate and prevent organized crime activities, such as terrorism.",
   "on_the_job": [
      "Validate known intelligence with data from other sources.",
      "Gather, analyze, correlate, or evaluate information from a variety of resources, such as law enforcement databases.",
      "Evaluate records of communications, such as telephone calls, to plot activity and determine the size and location of criminal groups and members."
   "word_cloud_terms": [
      "law enforcement",
      "written reports",
      "criminal activity",
      "geographic information system"
   "career_video": true,
   "contents": [
         "href": "",
         "title": "In the military"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Knowledge"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Skills"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Abilities"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Personality"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Technology"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Education"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Job Outlook"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Check Out My State"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Explore More"