"air_force": [
"code": "15W1A",
"title": "Weather and Environmental Sciences, Advanced Weather Activities (Commissioned Officer only)",
"active": true
"code": "15W1",
"title": "Weather and Environmental Sciences (Commissioned Officer only)",
"active": true
"code": "15W3A",
"title": "Weather and Environmental Sciences, Advanced Weather Activities (Commissioned Officer only)",
"active": true
"code": "15W3",
"title": "Weather and Environmental Sciences (Commissioned Officer only)",
"active": true
"code": "15W4A",
"title": "Weather and Environmental Sciences, Advanced Weather Activities (Commissioned Officer only)",
"active": true
"code": "15W4",
"title": "Weather and Environmental Sciences (Commissioned Officer only)",
"active": true
"code": "15WX",
"title": "Weather and Environmental Sciences (Commissioned Officer only)",
"active": true
"code": "9S100",
"title": "Scientific Applications Specialist (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"army": [
"code": "923A",
"title": "Petroleum Systems Technician (Warrant Officer only)",
"active": true
"code": "92L",
"title": "Petroleum Laboratory Specialist (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "77L",
"title": "Petroleum Laboratory Specialist (Enlisted)",
"active": false
"marine_corps": [
"code": "0803",
"title": "Targeting Acquisition Officer (Warrant Officer only)",
"active": true
"code": "1392",
"title": "Petroleum Quality Assurance and Additization Specialist (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "6842",
"title": "METOC Analyst Forecaster (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"navy": [
"code": "2175",
"title": "Undersea Warfare Research Officer (General) (Commissioned Officer only)",
"active": true
"code": "2176",
"title": "Undersea Warfare Research Officer (Antisubmarine) (Commissioned Officer only)",
"active": true
"code": "2306",
"title": "Meteorology and Oceanography (METOC) Services Officer (Commissioned or Warrant Officer)",
"active": true
"code": "768A",
"title": "Oil Analysis Operator/Evaluator (Enlisted)",
"active": true
"code": "6403",
"title": "Oil Analysis Operator/Evaluator (Enlisted)",
"active": false