Interactive Demo

This demonstration page allows you to test out the Web Services API by sending a request and viewing the JSON data returned. See the Reference Manual for a complete guide to the available services.

GET parameters
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Send a request to see the response.
The request could not be completed (). Please try again.
200 OK
   "start": 1,
   "end": 20,
   "total": 635,
   "next": "",
   "summary": {
      "code": 43232106,
      "title": "Presentation software",
      "description": "Application software for creating presentations, speeches, slides, etc. This software employs colorful graphics to present business information and other complicated data in easy-to-read charts and graphs to make immediate comprehension easier.",
      "example": [
         "Microsoft PowerPoint",
         "Google Slides",
         "Apple Keynote",
   "occupation": [
         "href": "",
         "code": "13-2011.00",
         "title": "Accountants and Auditors",
         "tags": {
            "bright_outlook": true
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 4,
            "title": "Job Zone Four: Considerable Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "27-2011.00",
         "title": "Actors",
         "tags": {},
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 2,
            "title": "Job Zone Two: Some Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "15-2011.00",
         "title": "Actuaries",
         "tags": {
            "bright_outlook": true
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 4,
            "title": "Job Zone Four: Considerable Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "29-1141.01",
         "title": "Acute Care Nurses",
         "tags": {
            "bright_outlook": true
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 3,
            "title": "Job Zone Three: Medium Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "25-2059.01",
         "title": "Adapted Physical Education Specialists",
         "tags": {},
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 5,
            "title": "Job Zone Five: Extensive Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "51-9191.00",
         "title": "Adhesive Bonding Machine Operators and Tenders",
         "tags": {},
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 2,
            "title": "Job Zone Two: Some Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "23-1021.00",
         "title": "Administrative Law Judges, Adjudicators, and Hearing Officers",
         "tags": {},
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 5,
            "title": "Job Zone Five: Extensive Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "11-3012.00",
         "title": "Administrative Services Managers",
         "tags": {
            "bright_outlook": true
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 3,
            "title": "Job Zone Three: Medium Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "25-3011.00",
         "title": "Adult Basic Education, Adult Secondary Education, and English as a Second Language Instructors",
         "tags": {},
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 4,
            "title": "Job Zone Four: Considerable Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "11-2011.00",
         "title": "Advertising and Promotions Managers",
         "tags": {},
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 4,
            "title": "Job Zone Four: Considerable Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "41-3011.00",
         "title": "Advertising Sales Agents",
         "tags": {},
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 4,
            "title": "Job Zone Four: Considerable Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "17-3021.00",
         "title": "Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technologists and Technicians",
         "tags": {
            "bright_outlook": true
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 3,
            "title": "Job Zone Three: Medium Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "17-2011.00",
         "title": "Aerospace Engineers",
         "tags": {
            "bright_outlook": true
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 4,
            "title": "Job Zone Four: Considerable Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "13-1011.00",
         "title": "Agents and Business Managers of Artists, Performers, and Athletes",
         "tags": {
            "bright_outlook": true
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 4,
            "title": "Job Zone Four: Considerable Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "17-2021.00",
         "title": "Agricultural Engineers",
         "tags": {
            "bright_outlook": true
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 4,
            "title": "Job Zone Four: Considerable Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "45-2091.00",
         "title": "Agricultural Equipment Operators",
         "tags": {
            "bright_outlook": true
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 1,
            "title": "Job Zone One: Little or No Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "45-2011.00",
         "title": "Agricultural Inspectors",
         "tags": {},
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 2,
            "title": "Job Zone Two: Some Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "25-1041.00",
         "title": "Agricultural Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary",
         "tags": {},
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 5,
            "title": "Job Zone Five: Extensive Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "19-4012.00",
         "title": "Agricultural Technicians",
         "tags": {
            "bright_outlook": true
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 3,
            "title": "Job Zone Three: Medium Preparation Needed"
         "href": "",
         "code": "53-2021.00",
         "title": "Air Traffic Controllers",
         "tags": {},
         "job_zone": {
            "code": 3,
            "title": "Job Zone Three: Medium Preparation Needed"