Interactive Demo

This demonstration page allows you to test out the Web Services API by sending a request and viewing the JSON data returned. See the Reference Manual for a complete guide to the available services.

GET parameters
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Send a request to see the response.
The request could not be completed (). Please try again.
200 OK
   "code": "47-2211.00",
   "title": "Sheet Metal Workers",
   "tags": {},
   "description": "Fabricate, assemble, install, and repair sheet metal products and equipment, such as ducts, control boxes, drainpipes, and furnace casings. Work may involve any of the following: setting up and operating fabricating machines to cut, bend, and straighten sheet metal; shaping metal over anvils, blocks, or forms using hammer; operating soldering and welding equipment to join sheet metal parts; or inspecting, assembling, and smoothing seams and joints of burred surfaces. Includes sheet metal duct installers who install prefabricated sheet metal ducts used for heating, air conditioning, or other purposes.",
   "sample_of_reported_titles": [
      "Commercial Sheet Metal Service Installer",
      "Field Installer",
      "HVAC Sheet Metal Installer (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Installer)",
      "HVAC Sheet Metal Specialist (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Specialist)",
      "Sheet Metal Fabricator",
      "Sheet Metal Installer",
      "Sheet Metal Journeyman",
      "Sheet Metal Layout Mechanic",
      "Sheet Metal Mechanic",
      "Sheet Metal Worker"
   "updated": {
      "year": 2024,
      "contents": [
            "title": "Abilities",
            "source": "Analyst",
            "year": 2023
            "title": "Alternate Titles",
            "source": "Multiple sources",
            "year": 2023
            "title": "Detailed Work Activities",
            "source": "Analyst",
            "year": 2023
            "title": "Education",
            "source": "Incumbent",
            "year": 2023
            "title": "Interests",
            "source": "Machine Learning",
            "year": 2023
            "title": "Job Zone",
            "source": "Analyst",
            "year": 2023
            "title": "Knowledge",
            "source": "Incumbent",
            "year": 2023
            "title": "Related Occupations",
            "source": "Analyst",
            "year": 2024
            "title": "Sample of Reported Titles",
            "source": "Incumbent",
            "year": 2023
            "title": "Skills",
            "source": "Analyst",
            "year": 2023
            "title": "Tasks",
            "source": "Incumbent",
            "year": 2023
            "title": "Technology Skills & Tools",
            "source": "Analyst",
            "year": 2022
            "title": "Work Activities",
            "source": "Incumbent",
            "year": 2023
            "title": "Work Context",
            "source": "Incumbent",
            "year": 2023
            "title": "Work Styles",
            "source": "Incumbent",
            "year": 2023
            "title": "Work Values",
            "source": "Analyst",
            "year": 2008
   "summary_contents": [
         "href": "",
         "title": "Tasks"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Technology Skills"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Hot Technologies"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Work Activities"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Detailed Work Activities"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Work Context"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Job Zone"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Apprenticeship Opportunities"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Skills"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Knowledge"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Education"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Abilities"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Interests"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Work Values"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Work Styles"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Related Occupations"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Professional Associations"
   "details_contents": [
         "href": "",
         "title": "Tasks"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Technology Skills"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Hot Technologies"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Tools Used"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Work Activities"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Detailed Work Activities"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Work Context"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Job Zone"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Apprenticeship Opportunities"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Skills"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Knowledge"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Education"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Abilities"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Interests"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Work Values"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Work Styles"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Related Occupations"
         "href": "",
         "title": "Professional Associations"
   "custom_contents": [
         "href": "",
         "title": "Work Activities Outline"