Interactive Demo

This demonstration page allows you to test out the Web Services API by sending a request and viewing the JSON data returned. See the Reference Manual for a complete guide to the available services.

GET parameters
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200 OK
   "start": 1,
   "end": 10,
   "total": 64,
   "next": "",
   "category": [
         "code": 21101702,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Haymaking machinery",
         "example": [
            "Hay balers",
            "Swath turners",
            "V hay rakes"
         "example_more": [
            "Hay bale accumulators",
            "Hay bale compressors",
            "Hay bale feeders",
            "Hay bale shredders",
            "Hay bale spears",
            "Hay bale stackers",
            "Hay bale unrollers",
            "Hay bale wrappers",
            "Hay conditioners",
            "Hay tedders",
            "Rotary hay rakes",
            "Skid steer hay bale spears"
         "code": 21101804,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Fertilizer spreaders or distributors",
         "example": [
            "Granular applicators",
            "Manure spreaders",
            "Silo spreaders",
            "Straw and chaff spreaders"
         "example_more": [
            "All terrain vehicle ATV manure spreaders",
            "Chaff spreaders",
            "Fertilizer blenders",
            "Fertilizer spreaders",
            "Lime spreaders",
            "Liquid ferilizer applicators",
            "Litter spreaders",
            "Manure injection systems",
            "Shavings spreaders"
         "code": 25181701,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Container trailers",
         "example": [
            "Feed mixer wagons",
            "Forage boxes",
            "Seed bins",
            "Silage wagons"
         "example_more": [
            "Forage wagons",
            "Grain wagons",
            "Gravity wagons",
            "Peanut dump carts",
            "Seed hoppers",
            "Silage bins",
            "Silage boxes"
         "code": 21101801,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Sprayers",
         "example": [
            "3-point sprayers",
            "Flotation sprayers",
            "Sprayer booms",
            "Sprayer chassis"
         "example_more": [
            "2-point sprayers",
            "All terrain vehicle ATV sprayers",
            "Self-propelled sprayers",
            "Skid sprayers"
         "code": 21101703,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Harvesters",
         "example": [
            "Forage harvesters",
            "Garlic harvesters",
            "Seed strippers",
            "Tomato harvesters"
         "example_more": [
            "Peanut digger inverters",
            "Peanut digger shakers",
            "Peanut diggers",
            "Peanut harvesters"
         "code": 21101604,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Seed drills",
         "example": [
            "Air carts",
            "Coulter drills",
            "Grass drills",
            "Min-till drills"
         "example_more": [
            "Air drill seeders",
            "Air seeders",
            "Grain drills"
         "code": 21101506,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Graders or land levelers",
         "example": [
            "All terrain vehicle ATV rakes",
            "Bed shapers",
            "Bedding hippers",
            "Land finishers"
         "example_more": [
            "Land levelers",
            "Land planes",
            "Land scrapers"
         "code": 25101901,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Agricultural tractors",
         "example": [
            "Auger movers",
            "Farm tractors",
            "Subcompact tractors",
            "Track tractors"
         "example_more": [
            "Compact tractors",
            "Forage tractors"
         "code": 23201202,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Air dryers",
         "example": [
            "Batch grain dryers",
            "Peanut dryers",
            "Seed dryers",
            "Tower grain dryers"
         "example_more": [
            "Continuous flow grain dryers",
            "Grain heaters"
         "code": 21101503,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Cultivators",
         "example": [
            "Field cultivators",
            "Rotary tillers",
            "Row crop cultivators",
            "Skid steer rotary tillers"
         "example_more": [
            "Min-till cultivators",
            "Pasture renovators"