Interactive Demo

This demonstration page allows you to test out the Web Services API by sending a request and viewing the JSON data returned. See the Reference Manual for a complete guide to the available services.

GET parameters
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Send a request to see the response.
The request could not be completed (). Please try again.
200 OK
   "start": 1,
   "end": 10,
   "total": 40,
   "next": "",
   "task": [
         "id": "6795",
         "related": "",
         "title": "Develop and implement strategies to meet the needs of students with a variety of handicapping conditions.",
         "importance": 90,
         "category": "Core"
         "id": "6802",
         "related": "",
         "title": "Observe and evaluate students' performance, behavior, social development, and physical health.",
         "importance": 89,
         "category": "Core"
         "id": "6787",
         "related": "",
         "title": "Establish and enforce rules for behavior and policies and procedures to maintain order among students.",
         "importance": 88,
         "category": "Core"
         "id": "6785",
         "related": "",
         "title": "Teach socially acceptable behavior, employing techniques such as behavior modification and positive reinforcement.",
         "importance": 88,
         "category": "Core"
         "id": "6784",
         "related": "",
         "title": "Maintain accurate and complete student records, and prepare reports on children and activities, as required by laws, district policies, and administrative regulations.",
         "importance": 87,
         "category": "Core"
         "id": "6789",
         "related": "",
         "title": "Instruct through lectures, discussions, and demonstrations in one or more subjects, such as English, mathematics, or social studies.",
         "importance": 87,
         "category": "Core"
         "id": "6790",
         "related": "",
         "title": "Employ special educational strategies and techniques during instruction to improve the development of sensory- and perceptual-motor skills, language, cognition, and memory.",
         "importance": 87,
         "category": "Core"
         "id": "6797",
         "related": "",
         "title": "Meet with other professionals to discuss individual students' needs and progress.",
         "importance": 87,
         "category": "Core"
         "id": "6799",
         "related": "",
         "title": "Meet with parents and guardians to discuss their children's progress and to determine priorities for their children and their resource needs.",
         "importance": 86,
         "category": "Core"
         "id": "6796",
         "related": "",
         "title": "Modify the general education curriculum for students with disabilities, based upon a variety of instructional techniques and technologies.",
         "importance": 86,
         "category": "Core"