Interactive Demo

This demonstration page allows you to test out the Web Services API by sending a request and viewing the JSON data returned. See the Reference Manual for a complete guide to the available services.

GET parameters
? =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =


Send a request to see the response.
The request could not be completed (). Please try again.
200 OK
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   "next": "",
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         "title": "Analytical or scientific software",
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               "href": ""
               "title": "Camfit Data Limited Microfit",
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               "title": "Econometric Software LIMDEP",
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               "title": "Estima Regression Analysis of Time Series RATS",
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               "title": "Estimates Delivery System EDS",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Global Insight AREMOS",
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               "title": "Insightful S-PLUS",
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               "title": "MacKichan Software Scientific Notebook",
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               "title": "Maplesoft Maple",
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               "title": "Mathsoft Mathcad",
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               "title": "Quantitative Micro Software EViews",
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               "title": "StataCorp Stata",
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               "in_demand": true,
               "percentage": 7
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               "title": "TreeAge Software TreeAge Pro",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Wolfram Research Mathematica",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43232106,
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         "title": "Presentation software",
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               "percentage": 9
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               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Oracle Java",
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               "hot_technology": true
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               "percentage": 22
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               "title": "Microsoft Visual C# .NET",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43232110,
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         "title": "Spreadsheet software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Corel QuattroPro",
               "href": ""
               "title": "IBM Lotus 1-2-3",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Microsoft Excel",
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         "title": "Development environment software",
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               "title": "Formula translation/translator FORTRAN",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Microsoft Visual Basic",
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               "hot_technology": true
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         "title": "Internet browser software",
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               "title": "Microsoft Internet Explorer",
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               "title": "Mozilla Firefox",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Web browser software",
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         "code": 43232306,
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         "title": "Data base user interface and query software",
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               "hot_technology": true
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               "percentage": 15
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         "title": "Data base management system software",
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               "title": "Teradata Database",
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