Interactive Demo

This demonstration page allows you to test out the Web Services API by sending a request and viewing the JSON data returned. See the Reference Manual for a complete guide to the available services.

GET parameters
? =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =


Send a request to see the response.
The request could not be completed (). Please try again.
200 OK
   "start": 1,
   "end": 10,
   "total": 17,
   "next": "",
   "hot_technology": {
      "total": 14,
      "href": ""
   "in_demand_skills": {
      "total": 14,
      "href": ""
   "category": [
         "code": 43232306,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Data base user interface and query software",
         "example": [
               "title": "CambridgeSoft ChemOffice Ultra",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Microsoft Access",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Molsearch Pro",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Structured query language SQL",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
         "example_more": [
               "title": "ChemSW Buffer Maker",
               "href": ""
               "title": "JDA Arthur KnowledgeBase database",
               "href": ""
               "title": "LabTrack Electronic Lab Notebook",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Logger software",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43232106,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Presentation software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Apple iWork Keynote",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Microsoft PowerPoint",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true,
               "in_demand": true,
               "percentage": 6
         "code": 43232605,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Analytical or scientific software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Agilent ChemStation",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Minitab",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Vogel Scientific Software Group CALACO",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Waters Empower Chromatography Data Software",
               "href": ""
         "example_more": [
               "title": "Accelrys Cerius2",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Accelrys DeCipher",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Advanced Chemistry Development ACD/1D nuclear magnetic resonance NMR processor",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Bruker BioSpin TopSpin",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Chem2Pac",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Chemical kinetics software",
               "href": ""
               "title": "ChemSW Calibration Pro",
               "href": ""
               "title": "ChemSW Mass Spec Tools",
               "href": ""
               "title": "ChemSW Uncertainty Pro",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Conversion tools software",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Crystallography software",
               "href": ""
               "title": "CrystalMaker",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Density functional theory DFT software",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Gas chromatograph GS software",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Gaussian software",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Laboratory information management system LIMS",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Modeling software",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Molecular simulation software",
               "href": ""
               "title": "MSI Insight/Discover",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Multi-functional calculators",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Network Science IR Mentor Pro",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Organic synthesis planning software",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Q-Chem",
               "href": ""
               "title": "SAS JMP",
               "href": ""
               "title": "SciQuest PE TurboChrom",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Siemens SHELXTL",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Statistical software",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Surface modeling software",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Synthematix StructureSearch",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Waters Millennium32",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Wavefunction Spartan",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43232102,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Graphics or photo imaging software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Digital imaging software",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Graphics software",
               "href": ""
               "title": "MolDraw",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43232402,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Development environment software",
         "example": [
               "title": "C",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Microsoft Visual Basic",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "National Instruments LabVIEW",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43231513,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Office suite software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Apple iWork",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Microsoft Office software",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true,
               "in_demand": true,
               "percentage": 9
               "title": "NeoOffice",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43232604,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Computer aided design CAD software",
         "example": [
               "title": "ChemInnovation Software Chem 4-D",
               "href": ""
               "title": "ChemSW Molecular Modeling Pro",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Hypercube HyperChem",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43231508,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Inventory management software",
         "example": [
               "title": "ChemSW Chemical Inventory System CIS",
               "href": ""
               "title": "ItemTracker",
               "href": ""
               "title": "UBI Biotracker",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43232110,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Spreadsheet software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Apple iWork Numbers",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Microsoft Excel",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true,
               "in_demand": true,
               "percentage": 10
         "code": 43232104,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Word processing software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Apple iWork Pages",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Microsoft Word",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true