Interactive Demo

This demonstration page allows you to test out the Web Services API by sending a request and viewing the JSON data returned. See the Reference Manual for a complete guide to the available services.

GET parameters
? =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =


Send a request to see the response.
The request could not be completed (). Please try again.
200 OK
   "start": 1,
   "end": 5,
   "total": 16,
   "next": "",
   "hot_technology": {
      "total": 18,
      "href": ""
   "category": [
         "code": 43232605,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Analytical or scientific software",
         "example": [
               "title": "BehavePlus",
               "href": ""
               "title": "SAS",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "The MathWorks MATLAB",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Viper Tools",
               "href": ""
         "example_more": [
               "title": "Aquatic Plant Information Retrieval System APIRS",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment AGWA",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Clark Labs IDRISI Selva",
               "href": ""
               "title": "ESSA Technologies Path Landscape Model",
               "href": ""
               "title": "ESSA TechnologiesTool for Exploratory Landscape Scenario Analyses TELSA",
               "href": ""
               "title": "FARSITE",
               "href": ""
               "title": "FEAT/Firemon integrated FFI",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Fire Spread Probability FSPro",
               "href": ""
               "title": "FlamMap",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Fuel Characteristic Classification System FCCS",
               "href": ""
               "title": "National Resources Conservation Service Grazing Spatial Analysis Tool",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Parbat",
               "href": ""
               "title": "United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Livestock and Environment Toolbox LEAD",
               "href": ""
               "title": "University of Arizona RangeView",
               "href": ""
               "title": "USDA Comet",
               "href": ""
               "title": "USDA Database for Inventory, Monitoring and Assessment (DIMA)",
               "href": ""
               "title": "USDA SamplePoint",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43232106,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Presentation software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Microsoft PowerPoint",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
         "code": 43232306,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Data base user interface and query software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Microsoft Access",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "National Resources Conservation Service Ecological Site Information System ESIS",
               "href": ""
               "title": "National Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey WSS",
               "href": ""
               "title": "USDA NRCS VegSpec",
               "href": ""
         "example_more": [
               "title": "Satellite image databases",
               "href": ""
               "title": "The Nature Conservancy Weed Information Management System WIMS",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43233506,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Map creation software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Geographic resources analysis support system GRASS",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Leica Geosystems ERDAS IMAGINE",
               "href": ""
               "title": "RSAC Riparian Mapping Tool",
               "href": ""
               "title": "USDA NRCS Soil Data Viewer",
               "href": ""
         "example_more": [
               "title": "CorridorDesigner",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43232405,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Object or component oriented development software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Oracle Java",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Perl",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Python",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "R",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true