Interactive Demo

This demonstration page allows you to test out the Web Services API by sending a request and viewing the JSON data returned. See the Reference Manual for a complete guide to the available services.

GET parameters
? =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =


Send a request to see the response.
The request could not be completed (). Please try again.
200 OK
   "start": 1,
   "end": 10,
   "total": 25,
   "next": "",
   "hot_technology": {
      "total": 34,
      "href": ""
   "in_demand_skills": {
      "total": 34,
      "href": ""
   "category": [
         "code": 43232604,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Computer aided design CAD software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Autodesk Revit",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true,
               "in_demand": true,
               "percentage": 56
               "title": "Bentley MicroStation",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Trimble SketchUp Pro",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true,
               "in_demand": true,
               "percentage": 21
         "example_more": [
               "title": "Artifice DesignWorkshop",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Autodesk 3ds Max Design",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Autodesk Architectural Studio",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Autodesk AutoCAD",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true,
               "in_demand": true,
               "percentage": 36
               "title": "AutoDesSys form Z",
               "href": ""
               "title": "AzTechSoft GPS2CAD",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Computer aided design and drafting software CADD",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Drcauto Smart Architect LT Pro",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Graphisoft ArchiCAD",
               "href": ""
               "title": "MyFamilySoftware Instant Architect",
               "href": ""
               "title": "NavisWorks Jetstream",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Roof Builder Tools",
               "href": ""
               "title": "VectorWorks ARCHITECT",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Virtual reality modeling language VRML software",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43232106,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Presentation software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Microsoft PowerPoint",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
         "code": 43232306,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Data base user interface and query software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud EC2",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Amazon Redshift",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Amazon Web Services AWS software",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Microsoft SQL Server",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
         "example_more": [
               "title": "Database software",
               "href": ""
               "title": "FEMA EMMIE",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Microsoft Access",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Oracle JDBC",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43232304,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Data base management system software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Apache Cassandra",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Apache Hive",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "MongoDB",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "NoSQL",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
         "example_more": [
               "title": "Apache Hadoop",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Apache Pig",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43232102,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Graphics or photo imaging software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Adobe Creative Cloud software",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true,
               "in_demand": true,
               "percentage": 6
               "title": "Adobe Illustrator",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true,
               "in_demand": true,
               "percentage": 5
               "title": "Adobe Photoshop",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true,
               "in_demand": true,
               "percentage": 9
               "title": "McNeel Rhinoceros 3D",
               "href": "",
               "in_demand": true,
               "percentage": 6
         "example_more": [
               "title": "Micro-Press MicroStation PowerDraft",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43231507,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Project management software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Craftsman CD Estimator",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Microsoft Project",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Oracle Primavera Enterprise Project Portfolio Management",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Oracle Primavera Systems",
               "href": ""
         "example_more": [
               "title": "Turtle Creek Software Goldenseal",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43232202,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Document management software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Adobe Acrobat",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Applied Search Technology CADFind",
               "href": ""
               "title": "FileNet P8",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43232402,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Development environment software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Apache Maven",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Microsoft PowerShell",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Verilog",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43232401,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Configuration management software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Chef",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Puppet",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
         "code": 43231601,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Accounting software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Intuit QuickBooks",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Turtle Creek Software Goldenseal (accounting feature)",
               "href": ""