Interactive Demo

This demonstration page allows you to test out the Web Services API by sending a request and viewing the JSON data returned. See the Reference Manual for a complete guide to the available services.

GET parameters
? =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =
& =


Send a request to see the response.
The request could not be completed (). Please try again.
200 OK
   "start": 1,
   "end": 5,
   "total": 24,
   "next": "",
   "hot_technology": {
      "total": 26,
      "href": ""
   "in_demand_skills": {
      "total": 26,
      "href": ""
   "category": [
         "code": 43232610,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Medical software",
         "example": [
               "title": "eClinicalWorks EHR software",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Epic Systems",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "GE Healthcare Centricity EMR",
               "href": ""
               "title": "MEDITECH software",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
         "example_more": [
               "title": "Allscripts Professional EHR",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Allscripts Sunrise",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Amkai AmkaiCharts",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Bizmatics PrognoCIS EMR",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Cerner Millennium",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Cerner PowerChart",
               "href": ""
               "title": "ChartWare EMR",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Computerized physician order entry CPOE software",
               "href": ""
               "title": "e-MDs software",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Electronic medical administration record eMAR software",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Healthcare management system",
               "href": ""
               "title": "MEDITECH Healthcare Information System HCIS",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Mediware ClosedLoop Clinical Systems",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Mediware Information Systems MediCOE",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Medscribbler Enterprise",
               "href": ""
               "title": "MicroFour PracticeStudio.NET EMR",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Netsmart Technologies CareNet",
               "href": ""
               "title": "NextGen Healthcare Information Systems EMR",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Picis CareSuite",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Seimens Healthineers",
               "href": ""
               "title": "SOAPware EMR",
               "href": ""
               "title": "StatCom Patient Flow Logistics Enterprise Suite",
               "href": ""
               "title": "SynaMed EMR",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Texas Medical Software SpringCharts EMR",
               "href": ""
               "title": "VISICU eICU Program",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43232106,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Presentation software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Microsoft PowerPoint",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true,
               "in_demand": true,
               "percentage": 10
         "code": 43232405,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Object or component oriented development software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services SSRS",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Perl",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Python",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "R",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
         "example_more": [
               "title": "Computer aided software engineering CASE tools",
               "href": ""
         "code": 43232314,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Business intelligence and data analysis software",
         "example": [
               "title": "Microsoft Power BI",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "Qlik software",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Qlik Tech QlikView",
               "href": ""
               "title": "Tableau",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true,
               "in_demand": true,
               "percentage": 5
         "code": 43232605,
         "related": "",
         "title": "Analytical or scientific software",
         "example": [
               "title": "IBM SPSS Statistics",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true
               "title": "SAS",
               "href": "",
               "hot_technology": true,
               "in_demand": true,
               "percentage": 5